1. Gerda: A Flame In Winter - Beginner Tips - TheGamer
2 sep 2022 · Here you'll find some useful tips and general explanations that will help in your first contact with Gerda: A Flame In Winter.
Help Gerda help as many people as possible.

2. Review - Gerda: A Flame in Winter - WayTooManyGames
2 sep 2022 · Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a sobering point-and-click adventure game about the Nazi occupation of Denmark.
A slow burn that becomes an inferno.

3. Gerda A Flame In Winter - Portfolio | Sebastianbinder
Walk the path of Gerda as her quiet life is turned upside down during the World War 2 occupation of her home. Choose where to go, how to act, and who to trust.
Gerda A Flame In Winter
4. Gerda: A Flame In Winter - Clinic Guide - TheGamer
5 sep 2022 · No matter which you pick, the layout of the clinic will always be the same and lead to the same event. If you go with one of the men, the ...
Here's how to find the penicillin in Gerda: A Flame In Winter.

5. Gerda A Flame In Winter The Resistance Edition - Nedgame
Gerda A Flame In Winter The Resistance Edition ; Nieuw. 34,99. 29,99 ; Click & Collect Service. Bestel en betaal eenvoudig online, haal af in onze winkels.
Wanneer het stopt met sneeuwen, zal het kleine Deense dorpje Tinglev niet meer hetzelfde zijn. Stap in de schoenen van Gerda terwijl haar rustige leven op zijn kop wordt gezet door de bezetting van haar woonplaats tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Kies waar je heen gaat, wat je doet en wie je kunt vertrouwen in deze intieme verhalende RPG-lite-ervaring, geïnspireerd op gebeurtenissen uit het echte leven. Hoe ver zou jij gaan om je dierbaren te beschermen?
In deze aangrijpende verhaalgestuurde game ben je Gerda, een verpleegster wiens leven op een noodlottige dag in 1945 helemaal verandert. Het verhaal speelt zich niet af aan het front, maar in de intieme setting van het kleine Deense dorpje waar ze haar hele leven gewoond heeft. Alleen gewapend met haar verstand en kennis van de mensen om haar heen, moet Gerda proberen haar dierbaren te redden terwijl ze trouw blijft aan zichzelf.
In oorlogstijd is elk dilemma een uitdaging en elke beslissing van levensbelang. Bepaal je keuzes door een mix van verkenning, dialogen en beheer van je hulpmiddelen en relaties. Je persoonlijkheidskenmerken zijn je vaardigheden in deze unieke verhalende RPG-lite-ervaring, en je banden met anderen bepalen ook hoe het verhaal zich ontvouwt.
Je beslissingen leiden je naar verschillende bestemmingen, gesprekken en natuurlijk gevolgen. Speel het spel...

6. Gerda: A Flame in Winter Review - RPGFan
1 sep 2022 · Deep characters lure you into a razor-sharp tale of difficult decisions and hidden intrigue from a frightening, divisive time in history.
Though not everything works and the narrative feels slightly too short, it'ss also a wild ride that should satisfy those who enjoy the twists and turns of a hearty spy story. The world was a cold and cruel place during the Second Great War, and Gerda: A Flame in Winter provides an intense sliver of how it felt to live back then.

7. Happy about: Gerda: A Flame in Winter - Klardendum
15 dec 2022 · This is a wonderful title. It looks nice, the music is fitting, the story and characters are well-done and choices feel meaningful and genuinely tough.
It’s a bit of a shame that story-driven adventure titles, and I mean the ones that are almost purely story driven like Telltale titles or Life is Strange, became almost a separate thing, very disconnected from the “classic” adventure games, even the ones that were also heavily story-driven. But at least we’re seeing more of them trying to experiment with the boundaries of the genre more. Gerda: A Flame in Winter is one such title – it’s not about puzzles and free exploration of locations or even really inventory usage in a classic sense, instead it’s all about choices and consequences and the storytelling. But it has a few very cool tricks to achieve its goals, even if it ends up being somewhat rough around the edges.
8. Gerda: A Flame in Winter Review in 3 Minutes: Dilemma in WWII Denmark
4 sep 2022 · Compliments stop when discussing the visuals and audio design. Gerda: A Flame in Winter is not a pretty game in the slightest. Though this ...

9. Gerda: A Flame in Winter Hands-on preview | Adventure Gamers
26 mei 2022 · ... design. It almost feels as though you are experiencing the narrative through a series of still life paintings, and this portrayal lends ...
A sneak peek at an upcoming Nordic adventure with a thought-provoking story, enchanting graphics, and some unusually creative gameplay. | Gerda: A Flame in Winter Hands-on preview

10. Gerda: A Flame in Winter - Liva's Story - Portfolio | Sebastianbinder
I created blockouts and planned out mission beats in accordance to a project brief and the level design pipeline. · As the game featured heavy branching it meant ...
Gerda: A Flame in Winter - Liva's Story DLC
11. Gerda: A Flame in Winter - Codex Gamicus - Fandom
Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a video game of adventure genre developed by PortaPlay and published by DON'T NOD. It was released on Steam for Microsoft ...
Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a video game of adventure genre developed by PortaPlay and published by DON'T NOD. It was released on Steam for Microsoft Windows on September 1, 2022. You have five days to save your husband, who has just been arrested by the Gestapo. Investigate, explore and form allegiances in this story-rich RPG-lite. Who will you trust? Gerda: A Flame in Winter on Steam Gerda: A Flame in Winter on SteamDB